Details of Patents
Sr.No. |
Title of the patent |
Authors |
Patent No. |
National / International |
Applied / Granted |
Year Applied / Granted |
If commercialized, name of industry partner; Value; Year |
1 |
Mutants of mycobacteria and process thereof |
Anil K. Tyagi, Ramandeep Singh, Vivek Rao, Vadakkuppattu Devasenapathi Ramanathan, Chinnambedu Nainarappan Paramasivan, Paranji Ramaiyengar Narayanan, Yogendra Singh |
Patent No.259594 |
National |
Granted |
Indian Patent Application No. 882/DEL/2003 dated 09.07.2003
Patent granted on 19th March 2014 |
Not yet, efforts are in progress. |
2. |
Mutants of mycobacteria and process thereof |
Anil K. Tyagi, Ramandeep Singh, Vivek Rao, Vadakkuppattu Devasenapathi Ramanathan, Chinnambedu Nainarappan Paramasivan, Paranji Ramaiyengar Narayanan, Yogendra Singh |
Patent No. 7,943,361
International (USA) |
Granted |
Application No.10/560,605
Date of Application: July 9, 2004
Date of grant : May 17, 2011 |
Not yet |
3. |
Recombinant BCG-Ag85C based immunization against tuberculosis |
Anil K. Tyagi, Ruchi Jain, Bappaditya Dey, Neeraj Dhar, Vivek Rao, Ramandeep Singh, Vadakkuppattu Devasenapathi Ramanathan, Umesh Datta Gupta, Vishwamohan Katoch |
Under consideration |
National |
Applied |
Application No. 2639/DEL/2008 dated November 21, 2008 |
Yet to be granted |
4. |
Alpha-crystallin based immunization against Mycobacterium and methods thereof |
Anil K. Tyagi, Bappaditya Dey, Ruchi Jain, Aparna Khera, Vadakkuppattu Devasenapathi Ramanathan, Umesh Datta Gupta, Vishwamohan Katoch |
Under consideration |
National |
Applied |
Application No.473/DEL/2009 dated March 9, 2009 |
Yet to be granted |
5. |
A simple and fast process for evaluating Mycobacterium tuberculosis promoters and the effect of candidate antimycobacterial compounds on promoter activity and bacterial viablility under hypoxic and aerobic conditions using M. smegmatis as a surrogate host |
Jaya Sivaswami Tyagi, Gargi Bagchi, Mayuri, Neetu Kumra, Kohinoor Kaur, Deepak Kumar Saini, Anil Kumar Tyagi |
Patent No. 211217 |
National |
Granted |
Application No. 981/DEL/2003 |
Not yet |